Approved ROW List

Consultant Pre-Qualification Application

Washington State Department of Transportation
Real Estate Services Office
P.O. Box 47338
Olympia WA 98504-7338
Phone #(360)709-8233

Type of Discipline(s): Click all that you are applying for.

**Fields in bold are required.**

General Information




A consultant who desires to provide right of way professional services to Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) or Local Agencies within Washington State shall first become prequalified with WSDOT. The prequalification process requires the consultant to certify and demonstrate they meet the minimum qualification requirements established for providing services in the specific disicplines. All right of way services require qualification by WSDOT Real Estate Services of the individual consultant, not businesses/firms. The approval is for a period of three (3) years.

Once your application is received and reviewed, you will be required to pass a test for the specific discipline(s) for which you are applying. Please choose the Office Location where you would prefer to take the test:

I attest to the following:   (Required)