Approved ROW LIst

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  • About the Approved Consultant List for WSDOT ROW Services

About the Approved Consultant List for WSDOT ROW Services

The Approved Consultant List for WSDOT Right of Way (ROW) Services is a list of individual consultants authorized by WSDOT Headquarters Real Estate Services office. WSDOT maintains a list of qualified individuals for the purposes of contracting for professional services associated with ROW activities. For any individual to be eligible to provide ROW services, they must first meet the criteria set forth within and pass a discipline specific test prior to being placed on the list.

  • To be placed on the list, you must first submit the electronic application per instructions on our website.
  • Prior to submitting your application electronically, be sure to review the minimum qualifications and job descriptions on our website for your specific discipline of interest.
  • Once approved, your name will be on the list for 3 years.
  • If you change employers, you will not need to reapply to be on the list. You have been approved to work on projects as an individual consultant. If your contact information needs to be updated, please use the Update My Info link to update our list.
  • Once you pass the test you will be assigned a ROW ID #. You will need to remember your ROW ID # as it is needed to log into our database and update your contact information.
  • Your ROW ID # is associated with the email address used in the application process. If you apply for multiple disciplines at different times, you will receive the same ROW ID # as long as you use the same email address to apply
  • If you update your email address in the database, your ROW ID # will remain the same.
  • You may apply for more than one discipline. Please check the appropriate box for the discipline(s) which you are applying. Please NOTE: You will need to take a test for each discipline you are applying for.
  • You will have to take a test. The test will be proctored by a region office close to you for your specific discipline.
  • If you do not pass the test for a specific discipline, you may retake the test a total of 3 times during a six-month period, and then you have to wait one year before taking it again.
  • You will be contacted to schedule the test at a WSDOT Region office nearest where you reside. The proctor will contact you and set up a time and location.
  • Your submitted Discipline Package will be reviewed by the WSDOT Headquarters Real Estate Program Manager or designee, specific to the discipline for which you are applying.
  • You do not submit your Discipline Package with the initial application. After you submit the initial application, you will then be contacted to the take the test. Once you pass your test, you will be instructed to forward your Discipline Package for review.
  • Please refer to our website and review the Discipline Specific Package(s), to find the required documents for the Discipline Package.
  • To reapply after 3 years, complete the Renewal Application located on our website and submits electronically per the instructions.
  • When you apply for renewal, you will not be required to take the test again when you submit the renewal application, but you will need to attest that you have not been removed from any WSDOT Approved ROW Services list.
  • Your name will be removed from the list if you don't renew after 3 years. You will need to submit your renewal application 30 days prior to expiration of your current approval.
  • WSDOT will be contacting your current or former employers in the approval process. As part of the Discipline Package you will be required to sign a waiver authorizing WSDOT to speak to your current or former employers.

Real Estate Services
Attn: Administrative Assistant
P.O. Box 47338
Olympia, WA 98504-7338


Update my information

Consultants may update their personal information from this page. You will need to enter your email address submitted when you signed up for the approved list and your ROW ID.

Contact us

Headquarters Management

J. Kevin Workman
Real Estate Services Program Administrator

Danny Johnson
Relocation Program Manager

Heather Lindstrom
Acquisition Program Manager

Robin Curl
Property Management Program Manager

Jessica Stokesberry
Appraisal Program Manager/Chief Appraiser

Local Programs Staff